Saturday, April 24, 2010

The eat at home challenge begins on Monday!

I went and hung out with a friend of mine on Thursday and we were both complaining about our weight and our finances. Pretty typical day, I guess. I had just gotten a glimpse at my account on Mint.comand was a bit shocked at how much money went to Restaurants and Fast food. If you haven't checked out that budgeting software, I recommend it and it's free and I'm not being compensated in any way for saying so. But since as far as I can tell no one is reading this yet :(, I'm not sure why I'm worried about what people think.

At any rate, she and I are both supposed to be advocates of eating at home because of our side businesses but neither of us do it nearly enough because of myriad reasons including but not limited to; time constraints, laziness, lack of imagination, possession of toddlers, possession of food fussy spouses, having cash in our pockets, laziness, not having run the dishwasher yet today, and Big Mac Attacks. But we had been to a meeting and were more fired up about our responsibilities than usual, plus we felt poor and fat (at least me on the weight thing because she may be poor but she is super hot) so we devised this challenge.

For two weeks, we will not eat in restaurants. At all. We will plan, cook at home, buy convenience foods at the grocery store for times when that is harder and plan ahead and DO IT. Chances are that we will make smarter food choices, and that we will also save $ and lose weight as a result. Feel free to come along with us.

As of right now, my weight stands at 1*9.5 (the * represents a number indicating shame and privacy). I will put my daily weight in each post until the challenge is done. Anyone want to play along? Leave a comment if you want to try it!

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